All our Templates are made with a unique
design for every customer.
You can have a website with 1 or 3 pages but we recommend that a business website should include at least 5 pages.
Basic Design:
Includes a "Welcome Page" that resumes your products and services, an "About Us Page" page that specifies what makes you different from any competitor that you might have and a "Contact Us Page" that lets the customer know all the ways to contact the business in an easy effective way.
Premium Design:
Includes 5 pages, the 3 pages of the Basic Template plus 2 other pages like a Services, a Portfolio, a Maps or a Menu page . Depending on the nature of your business, you have the opportunity to give more information to the customer.
Custom Design:
Includes 6 or more pages.
Products Online Design:
Shows different products that you sell and people can call or e-mail to order any of the products shown in your website, it's an easy and cheap way to start any business online.
E-commerce Design:
This is an interactive website with shopping carts and forms for customers to place orders and pay directly in the website, it's the most effective way to have a business online.